
October 27, 2014

Milagros cada día (September 29, 2014)

That is the best part of being a missionary: looking for the miracle in every single day of your 18 months - 2 years. Sometimes they are a bit harder to find, but sometimes they are pretty obvious and give you an overwhelming sense of humility and gratitude.
To share one with you, yesterday was the first Sunday after the baptism of the family we baptized last week, so that meant it was the day of their confirmation. However, the daughter had repeatedly told us that it would be impossible for her to come. She had already gone through a brutal time asking for one day off to be baptized and one more time just wouldn´t fly. We prayed for her, but knew that sometimes the Lord has other plans. Well, obviously His plan was for her to be confirmed, because seconds before we closed the door to confirm her parents members of the church and give them the gift of the Holy Ghost, she ran through the door and took a seat in the front. We were pretty blown away.
I then had another HUGE spiritual experience seconds later when I was asked to confirm the father who I had baptized the week before and the little boy who I had also baptized the week before. (Confirming someone a member of the Church and giving them the gift of the Holy Ghost was the only ordinance I had not priorly performed, but I got my chance two times!) I felt the Spirit guide my words and thoughts as I promised blessings and transfered divine powers to these two sons of God. It was a very unique experience, and I physically felt exhausted afterwards haha. I felt like Ammon in Alma 27:
"Now the joy of Ammon was so great even that he was full; yea, he was swallowed up in the joy of his God, even to the exhausting of his strength."
Yeah, basically it was a good week. Anyways, I hope you all have a great week, and I hope the Spirit of the Lord can guide each and everyone of you with the Light of Christ that dwells in each and everyone of you. May we all be spiritually humbled in preperation for General Conference this week! Todos debemos asistir! 

Mucho amor y muchas gracias,

Elder Dax Rich

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